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Wesley Guild


The aim of the Guild movement is that of young people banding together to help one another grow in Christian maturity. In pursuing this aim the movement has come to realise the need for a model to help in planning an to remind it of the facets of a young person’s life.  

The model which we have chosen is that known as the 4 C’s.  These are:


Learning to dedicate our lives to Christ and commit ourselves to His service.

Creating a fellowship of young Methodists and other Christians in our society, country and world, and committing ourselves to one another and our spiritual growth.
Learning to understand ourselves in the world and to be creative in it.
Committing ourselves to the wellbeing of others at all levels of need.

Our programmes use these four elements to balance us and lead us toward full Christian maturity within a community. These elements have a traditional part of our programming for young people.  They have not always been understood and have become an end in themselves. We will explore them further and provide some examples of how even the most important needs in the life of young people can be met by an imaginative use of the building blocks of the 4 C’s.

We meet every Thursday at 18H30 virtually due to the lockdown restrictions for more information, please contact or call out office.

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